Alpine-Mediterranean lifestyle above the spa town of Merano


Alpine-Mediterranean lifestyle above the spa town of Merano

The village of Marlengo/Marling is located on a glacial moraine hill above the spa town of Merano/Meran. With its privileged location close to Merano, Marlengo combines the amenities of the city with the benefits of the peaceful countryside.
It offers outstanding panoramic views and a well-defined network of hiking trails with several routes at three different levels, leading from the bottom of the Val d’Adige/Etschtal Valley up to the plateau of the Marling mountain. In addition to the rich and varied array of activities and recreational opportunities, Marlengo also offers many excellent inns and mountain restaurants, both in the village and on the mountainside.
Wine is also part of everyday life in Marlengo. There are signs of this everywhere, including the large Merano cooperative winery, numerous private vineyards, and the Wine Culture Trail, all of which help to make the culture of wine tangible in Marlengo, day in, day out.

The Marlengo Waalweg trail
The Marlengo Waalweg trail
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marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 4 days ago

Take advantage of the South Tyrol Guest Pass and discover the most beautiful places in South Tyrol! Hop on the train and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Quick, easy and convenient - experience unforgettable moments on your journey through South Tyrol!🚂🌄
#SüdtirolGuestpass #Zugreise #Entdecken #Erleben #Südtirol

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 8 days ago

🚴‍♂️Experience the Etschradroute from Mals to Marling - a picturesque cycle tour along the Adige river! Immerse yourself in the beauty of South Tyrol as you cycle past apple orchards and through charming villages.🥰 Enjoy the fresh air, the marvellous views and the relaxing atmosphere. You can look forward to a wonderful day of cycling! 🚴‍♂️🌿

📸Matt Cherubino

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #Etschradroute #Vinschgau #Meran #Radfahren #Entdecken #Erleben #Radtour

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 12 days ago

Our Kneipp walks are starting again! 💧🚶‍♂️🌿

Discover the world of Kneipp and strengthen your immune system and your well-being according to the natural healing methods of Sebastian Kneipp. A special experience for body, mind and soul!🧖‍♂️🧘‍♀️🍃

More information at

📸Hotel Sonnenhof

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #Kneipp #Gesundheit #ImmunsystemStärken #Wohlbefinden #Naturheilverfahren #Marling #KörperGeistSeele

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 17 days ago

🌿🌞 Experience the beauty of nature on the Marlinger Höhenweg! 🏞️ Breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys await you. From Marling, the trail leads gently uphill and offers numerous rest stops along the way to enjoy the view. Whether on foot or by bike, the Marlinger Höhenweg is well worth a trip! 🥾✨🌲🏔️

📸Damian Pertoll

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #MarlingerHöhenweg #Wandern #Naturgenuss #EntdeckeNeues

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 18 days ago

❗️❗️ Save the date ❗️❗️
Catchy music 🎷🎺🎼, tasty treats🍽😄 and a refreshing glass of local wine! 🍷🥂🍇
Experience this and much more at the Taller & Tuba festival on the Marling festive square!
We look forward to seeing you there! 🥰🥳

📸: Terzer Armin

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #tallerundtuba #gutelaune #musik #essen #gaumenfreuden #wein #liköre #destillate

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